Final Rating: 5.60. Finished 38 out of 231 entries.

744 views including the voting period.


Animator: Lauren Elizabeth MacColl

Description: A grandfather can't quite get the idea of his grandson not liking meat. Even the meat is confused

Experience: 5 years, BA Hons, Flash *aaaahh aaaahhhh!!*

Time taken: Around 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jessica "Jess" Jerome:

One of my favorites so far! Really awesome. Love your use of smears!!


You've got a great style and it was cool seeing the progression of this in the forum. One thing that bothers me is how noticeable the smears are. In my opinion, a good smear is almost invisible, only able to be felt and not seen.

Adrian Winchell:

That's a ton of work, amazing you did a finished colored 2D animation for this, with backgrounds and extra characters and everything! Probably could have spent a bit more time on the acting though, so that we could see the characters move consistently and fluidly, not so grotesque. And, not freeze to a static image when it's not their turn to speak. Still, this looks like a style you're well used to, so if you're happy with it, keep it up. You certainly have an excellent handle on using smears in 2D!

Alexander Shuaibu:

one of the best 2D animations ive seen... would love to see your cartoons on TV someday :D

Robert Zhou:

Love the ideas and the reactions! Around


Amusing as usual. Busy as usual too. Good effort.