Final Rating: 4.12. Finished 75 out of 173 entries.

290 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jasper

Description: This is my first entry into the 11SC. I don't do CG but I do stop motion animation, with LEGO.

Experience: I've been brickfilming since February of 2012, so about 2 years

Time taken: Six hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Amol Wagh:

You have not done any work on facial expression buddy. Watch the Lego movie, you'll know what I mean.

Richard Carrillo:

I don't know how to rate it haha, really I don't know, you did great for what you have but in the other hand, you have very limited animation :S

Enrico Westley:

Not bad for Lego-motion!!! I mean, is like it!