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Tracie summons the court jester

by Timothy Sameh Batarseh

Final Rating: 3.28. Finished 58 out of 64 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Timothy Sameh Batarseh

Description: From her bedroom, 15-year-old Tracie Mae Smith asks the viewer (a captain) if it's a joke, then tries to summon the court jester, before quickly changing her mind, and holds the jester afterwards.

Experience: It's building gradually!! Stems from Clark.

Time taken: About 1-2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Timothy Sameh Batarseh:

Hey, that's my entry!! Tracie's really slick on this one!!

Tania Chernichenko:

character's proportions look wrong. The elbow's line shouldn't blend with breast.