Final Rating: 6.25. Finished 14 out of 195 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Bailey Hallam

Description: An infantile spy is envied by his elder sister for his amazing occupation, but is denied when she attempts to get permission to do the same when she's older.

Experience: College Student (2 years)

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Antoine Desnoyers:

OH I love it, nice idea. I'd like to see more arcs in the movement

Mitchell Kirkpatrick:

Solid camera choices to get those perspective shots. Clean work and fun style.

Zachary Lussier:

I like the baby spy Haha! Good animation

Éloise Valiquette:

I really like the smoothness of your animation! The expressions of the little girls are really clear and well done!


Pretty cute! The animation is pretty slick.


I like your drawing style here! The overshooting in the pose-to-pose animation is not my cup of tea. It seems too springy to be appealing. I'm also not a fan of all the cliche and literal poses the characters are doing, so I'd recommend trying to act it out yourself next time and use video reference!

Simon Côté:

original and good fluidity :)

Anthony Abou Rezk:

That was good! I think this is one of the best looking 2D ones. You could add just a little bit of movement on the frames where a character listens, because that would give a bit more life. Anyway, good job!