Final Rating: 5.38. Finished 44 out of 195 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: James Downey

Description: Man Desperately Tries to Avoid Interaction with Child

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: ~10-12 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Alejandro Parizia:

I like the general idea and acting. Didn't like the fade out at the end (feels a bit premature), and there seems to be a pop in the right arm when it releases the door knob. Other than that nice shot overall.

Simon Côté:

the animation is really fluid !

Éloise Valiquette:

Your animation is great, I really like the interaction between the characters, it's well done!


Nice timing on the movements, felt pretty real.

Zachary Lussier:

Nice animation, Great job !

Anthony Abou Rezk:

Nice job! This animation looks smoother than a lot I've seen, I can tell you spent some time on it. It would have been funny if that pose where he puts his head close to the door would have been more exaggerated, it's great but imagine if he banged his head on the door. Anyway, great job!