Final Rating: 3.93. Finished 142 out of 290 entries.

424 views including the voting period.


Animator: Greta Narbutaitytė

Description: Just play dead!

Experience: I am currently studying animation

Time taken: About a week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Aisha Kennett:

First part the dog looks like he wants to go toilet...

Foster Eber:

Good Work! I would say try to keep the poses similar and have it hold.


You've done some really nice, smooth, fluid animation at certain points such as where the audio says "...played dead..." from around frames 19 to 36. I would say one thing to work on would be stronger acting and clear cut poses. For instance from frame 47 to 80 where he says, "I always say that's what I would do if someone..." it seems the cat is moving around a lot more than he needs to which is unclear acting to me. I would say you could get away with something a lot simpler and more direct as just nodding his head from side to side with his eyes closed or looking down towards the dog.

Craig Joseph Massa:

some of the movements seem floaty. With the given sound clip, the clip sounds more spunky and quick. not to say that this wasn't good. It actually was quite well done. I love seeing 2D submissions. I just feel you could work on timing a bit. Good job! :)

Imon Branch:

the background is too light